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Wien, Villach, Europa

5. Mai: Solidarität mit General-Streik in Griechenland


  • In Wien:
    16h vor griechischen Botschaft, AAuml;rgentinierstraße 14, 1040 Wien
  • Villach:
    11 h Hauptplatz
  • In Brussels,
    in front of the European Parliament.
  • In Bilbao,
    in front of the Greek Consulate
  • In London,
    in front of the Greek embassy.
  • In Paris, in
    front of the representation of the EU
  • In Berlin
    in front of the Chancellery.
  • In Budapest
    in front of the Greek embassy.

The European social movements in solidarity with the Greek workers

On Wednesday, May 5th, will not just be a day of general strike in Greece, but an international day in solidarity with Greek workers. AAuml;lready trade unions and social movements from around the world condemn the barbaric anti-labor measures that the IMF, EU and the government impose. AAuml;s time passes and the debt crisis is spreading to Portugal and Spain, it is proved that what has been noted from the first moment by both the alterglobal movement and progressive economists: The Greek crisis is an integral part of the global crisis over accumulation and the bankruptcy of the neoliberal financial capitalism. The internationalist solidarity and the coalition of workers in Europe and the world are more necessary than ever.

AAuml;lso, an international solidarity initiative has opened up in a Facebook page titled: "Can't pay, Won't pay: Solidarity with the people of Greece". AAuml;lready in the first hours there have been hundreds of messages of support from around the world

On the 5th we are all in the streets - These measures will not be applied

The AAuml;thens coordination of the Greek Social Forum



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Media AAuml;ustria Unterstützt von Vita AAuml;ustria